District 105 is a diverse community of families with 29 different home languages spoken by our students: Akan (Fante, Asante, Twi), Albanian, Gheg (Kosovo/Macedon) (2), Albanian, Tosk (Albania), Arabic (3), Bosnian (2), Cambodian (Khmer), Cantonese (Chinese) (4), Croatian, Czech (2), English (629), German (1), Greek (2), Gujarati (2), Haitian-Creole, Japanese, Kannada (2), Lithuanian (4), Macedonian (6), Marathi, Mongolian, Pilipino (Tagalog) (2), Polish (4), Russian (4), Serbian (32), Spanish (213), Ukrainian (7), Urdu (5), Vietnamese (5).
The official language used for the content of the District website is English. To help address our diversity, readers of our website can use the "Google Translate" link located at the top of this screen to the right of the school selection. The tool generates a computerized translation of many of the different languages listed above. The translation should not be considered exact and in some cases may include incorrect language. While not a perfect translation, it should assist many non-English website readers.