We look forward to seeing you in the library!
Student Expectations
I will take care of my library book and return it within a week.
I will carry my book to and from school in my backpack.
I will read and talk about my book with a family member.
I can return my book early if I am done and have checked in with my classroom teacher.
The number of books I checkout is a conversation I have with my teacher, parents and librarians.
Mrs. Renaghan & Mrs. Gallagher are my librarians and will help me in the library.
I can visit the Hodgkins Public Library when school is closed and continue to checkout books.
Books are due 1 week from the date of book checkout. Weekends and holidays do not count.
No additional books may be checked out until all overdue items have been returned or paid for.
Overdue notices are sent out weekly.
Please let us know if you have any questions and/or concerns.
Mrs. Renaghan

Hodgkins School Expectations
Be Ready~Be Respectful~Be Safe
Hodgkins Elementary School's Library Learning Center houses over 18,000 titles for approximately 150 students. The books are chosen to appeal to a wide range of reading interests and levels. Students can find a wide assortment of interesting books within their own personal comfort reading level. Our information text area holds a variety of interesting topics to engage all students. Our library offers many materials that support and enhance the common core state standards as well as the Illinois Standards Aligned Instruction for Libraries (I-SAIL)