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- LaGrange School District 105
- D105 Curriculum
- MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) & MAP Skill Practice / MAP (Medidas de Progreso Académico)
Curriculum & Instruction
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D105 Curriculum
- Common Core Standards and IAR Resources
- MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) & MAP Skill Practice / MAP (Medidas de Progreso Académico)
- Math Drill and Practice
- Math Enrichment
- PBIS and The Responsive Classroom
- Bullying Resources
- District Wide Testing
- Parent's Guide to Guided Reading Levels (Guia para Padres: Lectura Guiada)
- Grade Level Curriculum
- Grade Level Parent Guides to Common Core State Standards
- Standards for Mathematical Practices
- Presentations to School Board
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) & MAP Skill Practice
MAP Test
Link to learn more about MAP and Northwest Evaluation Association, the creator of the MAP test.
Acceso a los Planes de Map Individualizado - Español
Aquí estan las instrucciones para acceder los planes individualizados de MAP en IXL. Estos planes fueron creados sobre los datos basados de las más resientes pruebas de MAP que fueron tomadas en la primavera. Las habilidades recomendadas para practicas son basadas en los resultados de las pruebas de MAP para prepararlos en el aprendizaje para el próximo grado escolar.
Accessing Individualized MAP Plans - English
Here are directions to access student Individualized MAP Plans on IXL. These plans are created based on data from the most recent MAP testing window. The skills recommended for practice are based on student MAP scores to prepare them for the next level of learning.