• Attention PTO Chairpersons 

    Please be sure to actively promote your events in:

    1. Daily announcements
    2. PTO webpage
    3. Parent eblasts
    4. Wednesday envelope
    5. Tiger Tracks

    For student attended events, please advertise your event by posting flyers:

    1. Entrance doors (2)
    2. Above water fountains (6)

    If you need copies made, please see Pam and Jessica in the Gurrie office and they can show you how to use the copier.


    Send information to be included in morning announcements to Pam (pdlhy@d105.net) & Jessica (jfulgencio@d105.net) in the Gurrie office.  

    Please indicate:

    • start date
    • stop dates
    • any other necessary information

    To see daily announcements, click HERE


    To update the PTO webpage or send an eblast, send your information to GurriePTO@gmail.com.  Eblasts can be sent to subsections of the Gurrie population such as just 7th grade parents or 8th grade parents.

    Please include:

    • date you would like eblast sent out (ie ASAP or a future date)
    • if you would like a reminder eblast sent and what date


    Send any documents to be included in the Wednesday envelope to Pam (pdlhy@d105.net) & Carmen (cbeltran@d105.net) in the Gurrie office.  

    To see Wednesday envelope information, click HERE


    All of the Tracks issues from last year are posted on the Gurrie home page and prior years are available if anyone is interested in knowing what PTO info was included in any given month.  

    The information should be sent to Pam (pdlhy@d105.net) and Carmen (cbeltran@d105.net) in the Gurrie office.