Knowledge Under Construction, District 105, Summer CONNECT, 2024
  • Focus on 7th Grade Essential Standards this Summer

    Essential standards are a carefully selected subset of the total list of the grade‐specific and course‐specific standards within ELA and Math that students must know and be able to do by the end of each school year to be best prepared to enter the next grade level.  These standards are deeply emphasized in the learning environment throughout the school year and addressed in multiple Math and ELA units of study.  Throughout the year, teachers provide support for students who haven’t yet mastered these essential standards and extend learning for those who already have.  Essential Standards do not represent all that is taught during the school year.  They do, however, represent the most critical standards a student must know and be able to do in preparation for the next school year.

    7th Grade Essential Standards in English

    Estándares Esenciales de 7⁰ Grado (in Spanish)


    Additional Online Resources:

    Discovery Education: available through the D105 Clever Login (use District 105 username as an email ( and password)

    Greg Tang Math Resources:

    IXL Math and ELA: available through the D105 Clever Login (use District 105 username as an email ( and password)

    NewsELA: available through the D105 Clever Login (use District 105 username as an email ( and password)


    Join us for CONNECT Summer Programming

    Click here to learn more about Open Library and Family Game Nights this summer