Elias Lopez, President
Robert Sherman, Vice President
Sheila Bryck, Secretary
Kelly Young
Candice Mares
Amy Flaherty Hartman
Bryan White
Email: d105schoolboard@d105.net
Addressing the Board
Those who wish to address the Board during the Public Presentation segment of the next School Board meeting must fill out a "Request to Address the Board" form (see below) and turn it in to Mrs. Jumic via email at tjumic@d105.net. Or the form may be picked up in the District Office between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM, They will also be available at the School Board meeting.
Emails to School Board members should be addressed to: d105schoolboard@d105.net
Request to Address the Board Form - English
Formulario de solicitud para dirigirse a la junta - Español
Zoom Link for District 105 School Board Meetings - Recurring Webinar