
    Developmental Screening Process


    Stage 1: After parents have called Hodgkin’s Elementary to confirm residency and request a Preschool Screen, they will be directed to the link to complete the online pre-screening. A screening packet will be available for mailing or parent pick-up. Included in this packet is a Dial-4 developmental assessment and forms to be completed. Following a family’s completion of the packet, parents may drop off or mail materials to Hodgkins Elementary. A team member will contact the family to discuss their child’s results. If the results indicate further inquiry, children will be requested to participate in Stage 2 of our Preschool Screen.

    Stage 2: During this stage, children will be assigned a specific time and date at Hodgkins Elementary for their participation. Parents must bring their child’s original birth certificate, a photo ID with current address, and two qualifying forms to demonstrate residency the day of the screening in order to ensure participation. D 105 Preschool staff will transition children without their parents into preschool classrooms. Children will participate in activities that screen the areas of Motor, Language, Cognition, Social-Emotional, and Self-Help Skills. Also, children who are 3 years and older will participate in a Vision and Hearing screener. This entire process takes about an hour to an hour and a half, so please plan accordingly.
