• Essay Writing Contest in Turquoise Orange Pink Cartoon Style

               Google Entry Form

    Hi Writer!! 

    Way to go for writing and sharing your work! Before you do, please review the entrance rules below....
    • Your work should be 1-2 pages, typed (size 12-14 font) in a Google Doc. If your writing is longer than this, you may still submit the entire piece, but please highlight the 1 page selection you would like judged, and which you would read if your work is chosen for the showcase. 
    • Up to 3 poems may be submitted
    • Judges will use these Rubrics/Checklists to review your work. Please check them as you edit your piece!
    • Individual authors only (no partner work).
    • Your writing should be original work, written by you in your own words. If you use someone else’s words, they must be in "quotation marks" with the original author’s name. If your work was inspired by another author, please note that at the beginning or end of your piece.
    • Please do NOT include your name in the document (just type it on this Google Form). This way, judges will not know whose pieces they are reading
    • Authors of the winning pieces will be notified by May 1st, and invited to read their work to a live audience at our Writers' Showcase on May 25th!!