• The West Suburban Consortium for Academic Excellence (WSCAE) has determined that it will no longer host special testing sites for NUMATS.   Parents who are interested in having their child participate in NUMATS should contact NUMATS directly at:



    What is NUMATS?

    The Northwestern University's Academic Talent Search (NUMATS) is a research-validated, above-grade-level testing program that offers PSAT, ACT, and SAT to eligible students in grades 3 through 9. These tests are internationally recognized measures of academic ability designed for older students.  Studies show that there are definite and large ability differences among students who score in the top 10 percent on grade-level tests.  When these students take tests meant for older students, the differences are more apparent, and instruction can be better adapted to meet their individual needs. 

    Parent Guide

    Student Guide


    What are the benefits?

    Through NUMATS, students and families...

    • receive valuable information to help you plan your child's academic journey through high school graduation.
    • gain insight into academic strengths and benchmarks for measuring growth.
    • get practice on the high-stakes test(s) used for scholarships and college admissions.
    • learn about gifted programs for which your child might qualify.
    • get connected to an active, online community of gifted learners and their families (CTD backpack).


    For more information on all that is available through NUMATS, please visit:  www.ctd.northwestern.edu/numats


    Additional Resource Information for parents:

    Illinois Association for Gifted Children Parent Forum