• Accelerated Mathematics

    District 105 offers accelerated math services to students whose academic needs exceed that which the core curriculum provides. The accelerated math classes begin in fifth grade or any point thereafter.  Students are formally identified for accelerated math classes every spring. Therefore, initial qualification is not limited to students entering fifth grade, and students have opportunities to qualify for accelerated math classes every year.  Parents/Guardians of students who have qualified for accelerated math classes for the upcoming school year will receive placement information at the end of May. 

    Students are identified for accelerated math classes by examining multiple pieces of student data to determine the best academic fit for each child.  The following assessments are included in the identification process to provide an accurate picture of each child's strengths: 

    Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

    MAP is a computerized-adaptive test that dynamically adjusts according to a student’s response while taking the test.  If a student answers a math question correctly, the test presents a more challenging item.  If a student misses a question, the MAP test adapts and offers a simpler item.  In this way, the test narrows in on a student’s individual math learning level.  The MAP assessment results provide teachers, principals, and specialists with detailed information on individual student strengths and areas of need in math. Instruction can then be adjusted and individualized to best meet the needs of each student in the classroom.  The MAP scores from the current school year are utilized when identifying students who could be ready for accelerated math. 

    Cognitive Abilities Screener (CogAT) Form 7 

    All District 105 students in fourth and sixth grade will participate in CogAT 7 testing. The CogAT test is a group-administered, online assessment, which measures students’ learned reasoning abilities developed through in-school and out-of-school experiences.  The CogAT 7 assesses students in the following areas:

    • Verbal subtest: Measures verbal aptitude, word knowledge and concepts, facility with language, verbal reasoning, and analogies
    • Quantitative subtest: Measures mathematical reasoning and problem solving, numerical sequences and patterns, manipulation of mathematical concepts
    • Non-verbal subtest: Measures reasoning and problem solving with patterns and relationships, pictorial analogies, and categories.  

    Academic Performance Assessment

    In addition to achievement and aptitude assessments, student academic behaviors are also taken into account when identifying students for advanced classes.  With the support of teachers and specialists, information is collected regarding each student’s mathematical abilities/behaviors.  This does include, but is not limited to:  how quickly the student learns new materials, efficient work and assignment  completion, and the ability to ask penetrating questions and make connections.

    Please note that students who qualify for accelerated math must continually meet or exceed the following criteria to remain in the program:

    • Complete required summer work before the beginning of the school year
    • Achieve a B average by the end of 1st trimester and maintain a B average throughout the rest of the year
    • Independently complete classwork and homework after classroom instruction has been given
    • Display a high level of commitment to the program 

    For more information about our advanced academic services, please visit our district website at:  d105.net→Departments→Advanced Academics.

    Please contact Susan Calder at scalder@d105.net or (708) 482-2700 ext. 1010 with any questions.

    D105 Enrichment and Accelerated Math Criteria