- LaGrange School District 105
- Accelerated Placements and Early Entrance
Advanced Academics Department
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- Advanced Academics Department
- Accelerated Placements and Early Entrance
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- AAD English Language Arts Specialists
- AAD Math Specialists
- Advanced ELA Identification Criteria
- Accelerated Math Identification Criteria
- NUMATS & Parent Resource Information
- Math Resources & Fun Sites
- ELA Opportunities
- Summer Enrichment
District 105 offers accelerated math services beginning in fifth grade and advanced literature beginning in seventh grade. These classes are offered to students whose academic needs exceed that which the core curriculum provides. Qualification for such services is determined by examining multiple pieces of student data to make an accurate determination of service.
Although initial qualification begins in the fifth grade for accelerated math and seventh grade for advanced ELA, we identify students on a yearly basis for placements into these classes. It is important that students enter into accelerated or advanced classes when they are academically and emotionally prepared for the rigor and fast pace of these courses. For some students, they may not be ready for accelerated math in 5th grade or advanced ELA in 7th grade. For this reason, we carefully look at all students on a yearly basis to determine if any students meet the qualification criteria for accelerated math or advanced ELA. Please go to accelerated math and advanced ELA links for more specific information about the identification process and qualification criteria.
Advanced placement letters for students who have qualified for 6th & 7th grade advanced ELA and 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade accelerated math will be sent via ParentSquare no later than the week of May 26th. Students who have been in an accelerated or advanced class during the 2024-2025 school year do not receive another placement letter. Students who have maintained a B average in their advanced classes for the year will automatically move to the next level of math or ELA for the following school year. The appeals window will open the week of May 26th.
District 105 complies with the Illinois Accelerated Placement Act (Public Act 100-0421). According to the Illinois State Board of Education, “This state law requires Illinois school districts to develop “a local policy to identify students eligible for acceleration through a fair and equitable decision-making process.” For more information regarding the Accelerated Placement Act from the Illinois Association for Gifted Children, including the official legislation from the Illinois State Board of Education, please go to iagc gifted.org.
For some students, it is most appropriate to provide them with opportunities to learn at a level that is more commonly provided for older students. This policy describes the process that shall be used for evaluating students for possible accelerated placement and identifying students who should be granted early admission to kindergarten or first grade, accelerated in one or more individual subject areas, or promoted to a higher grade level than their same-age peers.
The opportunity to be considered for acceleration is open to students of all ages who demonstrate high ability and who may also benefit from an accelerated placement. Placement considerations shall be applied equitably and systematically to all students referred for acceleration regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gifted and talented status, twice/multiple exceptionality, English language proficiency, or socioeconomic background.
Providing students access to a curriculum that is usually reserved for older students. Examples: early entrance to K or 1st grade, subject acceleration, whole grade acceleration. Due to the pacing of instruction, most accelerated placements will begin at the start of the school year.
Admission of a student who will not yet be five years old by September 1st of that school year.
Applications for early entrance in the fall must be submitted by April 15th of the previous school year.
Admission of a student who will not yet be six years old and who has not completed kindergarten.
Applications for early entrance in the fall must be submitted by April 15th of the previous school year.
Assigning students to specific content that is at a higher level than the student’s grade in one or more subject areas.
Admission of a student to a grade level higher than typical for the student’s age to provide access to higher ability curriculum and opportunities.